George Corbett is Professor of Theology, School of Divinity, University of St Andrews.
Prof. Corbett has two principal areas of research and teaching: theology and the arts (with specialisms in Dante studies, sacred music, and theological aesthetics) and historical and systematic theology (with specialisms in medieval theology, Aquinas’s theology and its influence, and Catholic theology).
Prof. Corbett directs CEPHAS, a Thomistic Centre for Philosophy and Scholastic Theology; TheoArtistry, a project bringing together theologians and artists for creative collaborations; and he co-directs the MLitt in Sacred Music (a collaboration between ITIA and the Music Centre).
Prior to joining the School of Divinity in 2015, Prof. Corbett held positions as Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy, Trinity College, and Affiliated Lecturer, University of Cambridge, where he taught English literature, Italian literature, and theology. He received his BA (double first), MPhil (distinction), and PhD (AHRC-funded) from the University of Cambridge. He also studied in Pisa (as an Erasmus-Socrates exchange scholar at La Scuola Normale Superiore), Rome (Institutum Pontificium Alterioris Latinitatis), and Montella (Vivarium Novum).
If you would like to contact him, please email: gc63@st-andrews.ac.uk.